Saiki Kusuo no Sai Nan Wikia






Flash Series[]

Promotional Material[]

PSI Battle[]

Ψキックプリンス - Psychic Prince (Saiki x Teruhashi)[]

Description: 照橋心美のストイックさにいつもながら感心して見届けていたが、その裏で心配もしていた。そんな矢先に心美が倒れそうになり瞬時に彼女のピンチを救う一場面。

Translation: Saiki is always impressed by Teruhashi's commitment to her perfect girl image. However, as he watches over her high efforts, he begins to worry. This is the time he came to her rescue when she collapsed from her stress.

Saiki Kusuo[]

Description: 言わずと知れた本作の主人公。 極力目立たないように生きる努力をし続けている。

Translation: The well-known protagonist of this series. He makes an effort to live as inconspicuously as possible.

Mr.平均値 - Mr. Average[]

Description: 楠雄の苦手な体育の時間。 力の加減が難しいとされるスポーツでは真剣に手を抜く努力は怠らない。

「目立たず 平均点を狙おう」

Translation: Saiki struggles in physical education class. He needs to put in serious efforts in sports that require precise strength.

"To avoid standing out, I'll aim for average."

100円マン参上! - 100 Yen Man Calling In![]

Description: 説明しよう!100円マンとは100円を払えばいかなる願いも叶えてくれる財テクヒーロー!!楠雄が金欠になった時だけ行われる斉木家恒例の茶番である!

Translation: Let me explain! 100 Yen Man is a hero who will grant you your wish for 100 Yen!! This is a regular Saiki family event that occurs when Kusuo runs out of money.

クソコーデのΨ難 - Disastrous Shitty Outfit[]

Description: ファミレスにて財布を忘れたことに気づく楠雄。 店員たちにがっつり“ゼブラカーディ”や“コーヒーゼリー”なるあだ名が考案させつつある。

Translation: While he was in a family restaurant, Saiki realized he forgot his wallet at home. He uses his Apport ability to try and get it back, and avoid causing trouble.

至極Ψ上のひと時 - The Very Best Moment[]

Description: コーヒーゼリーの芳醇な味わいを“モニュモニュ”と堪能する楠雄。「この至福のひと時を邪魔する事は……誰にもできにゃいぞ」

Translation: Saiki enjoys the mellow taste of coffee jelly as he eats it.

"Nobody can ruin this blissful moment..."

サプライズパーティー - Surprise Party[]

Description: リリース記念のサプライズを頼まれた楠雄。普段と違うシックな装いだが、実は本人も超能力で大人っぽさを演出している。 「やれやれ 待たせたな」

Translation: Saiki was invited to the surprise party for commemorating the release of the app. He wears a chic outfit that is different from usual, but it's his supernatural power that's giving him the mature look.

"Good grief. I kept you waiting."

霊界の超能力者 - Spirit World Psychic[]

Description: 幽体離脱した楠雄の身体は幽霊のようになり、実体では追い払えない幽霊を攻撃する事が出来るようになる。抜き取った魂は44秒以内に肉体に戻さないと成仏してしまうらしい。

Translation: Saiki can separate his soul from his body by using Astral Projection, and can attack ghosts and other beings that cannot be attacked physically. However, he needs to return to his body within 44 seconds, otherwise he will die.

旅客機でGo!! - Plane Go!![]

Description: 墜落しかける大型旅客機すらも軽々と持ち運ぶ楠雄。曰く“ちょっとだけ重い”らしい。「やれやれ 原因を探るよりこうした方が早いな」

Translation: Saiki easily carried a large passenger plane that was about to crash.

"Good grief. Doing this is a lot quicker than finding the cause, although it is a bit heavy."

Ψ強主人公降臨 - Strongest Protagonist’s Descent[]

Description: 制御装置を外しΨ強の力を解き放つ楠雄。その気になれば人類すら消滅しちゃうらしい。「王道主人公気取り?フッ 消滅する覚悟は出来ているんだな?」

Translation: When Saiki removes his Limiter, he unleashes the full power of his psychic abilities. He can even wipe out the entire human race if he feels like it.

"The strongest protagonist's descent? Pfft. Are you ready to die?"

挨拶がわりの超能力 - Psychic Greetings[]

Description: 引かれそうな子犬を助けるため、サイコキネシスでいとも簡単に自動車をふっとばした楠雄。超能力者にとっては、こんなことも朝飯前。

Translation: Saiki used his Psychokinesis to easily lift a car that was about to roadkill a puppy.

漆黒の翼のΨ誕 - Resurrection of The Jet-Black Wings[]

Description: ダークリユニオンからJ-WORLDを守る為、漆黒の翼とその同志たちが今 立ち上がる!

「やれやれ こんな格好までさせられるとはな」

Translation: To protect J-WORLD, The Jet-Black Wings and his comrades rise up against Dark Reunion!

"Good grief. I can't believe I'm dressed like this."

パンク、はじめました - I Began Being Punk[]

Description: 海藤の「パンクしよーぜ」という思いつきに付き合わされた楠雄。ファッションなど、どうでも良い楠雄からしてみたら迷惑極まりない。

Translation: Saiki goes along with Kaidou's idea to go punk. He finds this a nuisance since he doesn't care about fashion and such.

虎悪非違勢痢威 - Coffee Jelly[]

Description: 窪谷須のヤンキー世界に巻き込まれた斉木。純白の学ランが眩しいが、シミが目立ちやすいので注意が必要。不良のノリに疲れ気味。

Translation: Saiki got caught up in Kuboyasu's delinquent world. He wears a dazzling, pure-white school uniform, but he should be careful because it can easily get stained.

かき氷はじめました - First Snow Cone[]

Description: PK学園の海水浴に参加した楠雄。予想通り、騒がしい仲間たちが次々に起こす事件に巻き込まれる。海底での瞑想が憩いのひと時。

Translation: Saiki participates in a school trip to the beach. He gets involved in a series of incidents caused by his noisy friends. He takes breaks by going in the sea floor.

ザ・超能力サムライ - The Psychic Samurai[]

Description: 灰呂に促され、無理矢理侍の姿として登場する羽目になった楠雄。ただ単に居合刀を振り回してみたかった。

Translation: Hairo forced Saiki to dress up as a samurai. He just wanted to see Saiki swing around a Iaitō.

甘味ハンター - Sweets Hunter[]

Description: 甘いものを求めてお祭りをまわる浴衣姿の斉木。チョコバナナにリンゴ飴にわたあめと食べたいものは目白押し。予算との兼ね合いが目下の悩み。

Translation: Dressed in his yukata for the summer festival, Saiki goes searching for sweets. He has huge cravings for chocolate bananas, candy apples, and cotten candy. He has issues balancing his budget.

夢と妄想の境界線 - Boundary Line of Dreams and Delusions[]

Description: なぜか心美たちの妄想に引っ張られてパジャマ姿でパーティに参加することになった楠雄。制御装置が外れ、「おねちょ」により隕石を引き寄せてしまう。

Translation: Due to the fantasies of Teruhashi and the others, Saiki is in a pajama party with them. When his control device is removed, his little "accident" calls forth meteorites.

Ψキックギタリスト - Psychic Guitarist[]

Ψキックドクター - Psychic Doctor[]

Description: オカルト部主催の肝試しに巻き込まれ、不本意ながらもサイコ医者の衣装をまとった楠雄。サイキックメスを駆使し、鳥束の変態行為を適切に「処置」する超能力名医。

Translation: Saiki, who was reluctantly dressed in a psycho doctor's costume, was involved in a test of courage sponsored by the Occult Club. A supernatural doctor who makes full use of psychic scalpels and appropriately "treats" the behavior of his patients.

未確認飛行物体 - UFO[]

Description: 原因不明の巨大化により姿を隠した楠雄。被害を抑えるべくテレポートした先々でΨ難を起こす。ある辺境の部族では神だと崇められたりする。「80mになりたい・・・」

Translation: Because of his unexplained enormous growth, Saiki teleported himself far away. He is worshiped as a god in some remote tribes.

"I want to be 80m..."

孤高の賞金首 - Aloof Shanty[]

Description: 自称引きこもりの海賊。金品財宝に興味はなく、他人とも極力関わらずに独りで過ごしたと願う日々。その孤高な姿が只者ではない雰囲気を醸し出している。

Translation: A self-proclaimed withdrawal pirate. Saiki is not interested in treasures, and instead wishes to spend his time alone, away from others as much as possible. His lonely appearance creates an atmosphere that is not ordinary.

寡黙な黒伯爵 - The Dark and Reticent Count[]

Description: アフタヌーンティータイムに誘われ、黒に身を包むことになった楠雄。今回も望まぬ災難に巻き込まれる・・・

Translation: Kusuo is invited to afternoon tea time and dressed in black. Once again, he is caught up in another mess...

ゆらゆらΨキッカー - Swaying Psychic-er[]

Description: 裏島太郎の演劇で念願の海底わかめを演じることができた楠雄。心美の相手役になるのを避けて配役時に、バックれる。

Translation: Saiki got his "dream" role of seaweed in the play Urashima Tarō. He bailed during the castings to avoid being assigned as Teruhashi's costar.

プロゴルファーΨ - Profesψonal Golfer[]

Description: なぜかゴルフをやることになった楠雄。ホールインワンなど朝飯前だが、目立たないよう池やバンカーを巧みに使って打数を稼ぐのだ。

Translation: For some reason, Saiki decided to play golf. He can easily score a hole-in-one, but he skillfully uses ponds and sand bunkers to get more shots so that he does not stand out.

ジャック・オ・ランタン - Jack o’ Lantern[]

Description: 不本意ながらも小樋sは死神風の仮装に身を包むことにした楠雄。いたずらをする気はまったくないが、お菓子はちゃっかりもらっている。

Translation: Reluctantly, Saiki decides to dress up in a Shinigami-style Halloween costume. He has no intention of pulling pranks, but his sweets become a mess.

目覚めし死神 - The Awakened God of Death[]

最Ψ最好調! - The Most Favorable![]

Ψ高のおもてなし - The Finest Server[]

クリスマスΨキッカー - Christmas Psychic-er[]

Description: クリスマスパーティに出される才虎家特製巨大スイーツのために、ちょっとだけおめかしした楠雄。ちょこんと頭に載ったサンタハットがチャームポイント。

Translation: Saiki dresses up a bit for the sweets served at Saiko's Christmas party. The Santa hat is rather cute on him.

脱・ループ世界 - Escaping This Repeating World[]

Description: 日本を終焉に導く御割山がある忍舞県にやって来た楠雄達。\r様々なアクティビティを堪能する面々に付き合いつつも翌日の災難に向けて余念が無い。

Translation: Saiki and his friends take a trip to Oshimai Prefecture. Mt Owari, the volcano that will end Japan, is located here. While everybody is enjoying their time, he can't stop worrying about the next day's disaster.

サイダーマン2号 - Ciderman No. 2[]

Description: 迷子を助けて以来、遊太に改造人間サイダーマン2号として扱われがちな楠雄。遊太の妄想世界にとらわれ、サイダーマンの活躍を見たいという彼の願いを叶えてやることに。

Translation: Ever since Saiki rescued Yuuta, he assumes Saiki is Ciderman No. 2. Caught up in Yuuta's fantasy world, he decides to fulfill his wish to see Ciderman in action.

洋菓子貴公子 - Confectionery Gentleman[]

Description: 海藤の思いつきで正装した姿。海藤曰く、\"ヴァレンタイン人気選手権シリーズ\"。年に一度のスイーツが貰える日として、楠雄的には嬉しい日だが、巻き込まれる災難は願い下げ。

Translation: According to Kaidou, this special day is the "Valentine's Day Popularity Contest Championship Series." Saiki is wearing Kaidou's idea of formal wear for this day. He is happy to get his annual sweets, though he wishes to avoid any mishaps.


幼いΨ強超能力者 - The Strongest Young Psychic[]

クールビューティ - Cool Beauty[]

タイムリープ!! - Time Leap!![]

寡黙なメガネメイド - Silent Bespectacled Maid[]

Ψキックパティシエ - Psychic Pâtissier[]

女体化などスイーツ前 - Genderswapping For Sweets[]

Seisyun Spark[]

Anime Title Cards[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


Volume and Other Covers[]


Anime Screen Captures[]
