Saiki Kusuo no Sai Nan Wikia
Saiki Kusuo no Sai Nan Wikia


Flash Series[]

Promotional Material[]

PSI Battle[]

Ψキックプリンス - Psychic Prince (Saiki x Teruhashi)[]

Description: 照橋心美のストイックさにいつもながら感心して見届けていたが、その裏で心配もしていた。そんな矢先に心美が倒れそうになり瞬時に彼女のピンチを救う一場面。

Translation: Saiki is always impressed by Teruhashi's commitment to her perfect girl image. However, as he watches over her high efforts, he begins to worry. This is the time he came to her rescue when she collapsed from her stress.

Teruhashi Kokomi[]

Description: 世の男性(一部女性も)が出会って2秒で恋に落ちる、完璧美少女。 学園のマドンナである彼女に“おっふ”しない奴は居ない。 斉木楠雄ただ一人を除いては。

Translation: She is the perfect beauty. All men (and some women) fall in love within two seconds of meeting her. There is nobody who does not say offu to the school idol. Except Saiki.

祝・一等賞 - Congrats on First Place[]

Description: 体育祭での照橋さん。常にトップに君臨し続ける彼女は努力を惜しまない。完璧美少女の中に“敗北”の二文字は無いらしい。

「ねぇ 勝ったらお祝いしよ?」

Translation: Sports Day Teruhashi. She spares no effort in maintaining her top position even in athletics. The word "defeat" is not in the vocabulary of the perfect beauty.

"Hey, let's celebrate after we win, okay?"

完璧美少女 - Perfect Beauty[]

Description: 照橋心美、宇宙一の無敵スマイル。この微笑みに“おっふ”しないモノはこの世に存在しない。斉木楠雄ただ一人を除いては…

「は 早くおっふしなさい!斉木!」

Translation: Teruhashi has the most powerful smile in the universe. Nobody can resist to say offu to that smile. Except Saiki...

"Just say offu, Saiki!"

サプライズパーティー - Surprise Party[]

Description: サプライズパーティーに駆けつけた照橋心美。 パーティーで楠雄を見かけ、追いかける。

「はいドーン これであなたの一番の思い出確定したわね」

Translation: Teruhashi rushes to the surprise party. She ends up pursuing Saiki after seeing him at the party.

"Alright, here you are, the most unforgettable event of your life."

漆黒の翼のΨ誕 - Resurrection of The Jet-Black Wing[]

Description: ダークリユニオンからJ-WORLDを守る為、漆黒の翼とその同志たちが今 立ち上がる!


Translation: To protect J-WORLD, The Jet-Black Wings and his comrades rise up against Dark Reunion!

"I can't believe I'm in J-World with Saiki... I will make you say offu today!"

Ψ強パンクガール - The Most Powerful Punk Girl[]

Description: パンクロックなど興味のかけらもなかったが、楠雄のイメチェン姿に感化され、誰よりもおっふなパンクガールに仕上がる。少し恥ずかしいが本人的にも大満足なご様子。

Translation: Teruhashi did not have any interest in punk rock, but was inspired by Saiki's own makeover. She decides to transform herself into the most offu-worthy punk girl. She's a little embarrassed, but seems to be very pleased with her look for the most part.

ビーチの女神 - Beach Goddess[]

Description: 超完璧美少女の水着姿ということで大勢のオーディエンスをビーチに集める。学校行事で一緒にきた才虎に絡まれて困惑する。

Translation: A large crowd forms around the super perfect beauty in her swimsuit. She came together with Saiko for the school event, though she doesn't want to be seen with him.

史上Ψ強美少女なメイド - The Most Beautiful Maid in History[]

Description: 才虎に無理やり着せられたメイド服だが、もちろん当然のように似合ってしまう。肝心の斉木がいない不満を、メイド仲間で斉木の妹の栗子についつい漏らしがち。

Translation: She looks amazing in the maid outfit forced on by Saiko. She laments the absence of Saiki to her fellow maid, Kuriko (Saiki's younger sister).

Ψ強天使ココミル - Look Here, The Ultimate Angel[]

Description: 人々からの“愛され度”を突き詰めるあまり、神へと具現化した照橋心美。自分を崇めてくれる人には無償の愛を注ぐ。

「皆さん ありがとう…嬉しい」

Translation: The goddess form of Teruhashi Kokomi is the embodiment of her immense effort in gaining and maintaining the adoration of everybody. She grants free love to her worshipers.

"Thank you, everybody... I'm overjoyed."

真夏の夜の美少女 - A Beautiful Girl's Midsummer's Night[]

Description: 花火に照らされた浴衣姿の美少女という、人類の夏史上最強の組み合わせを完成させ、斉木の「おっふ」をゲットするため、盗まれた花火を斉木達と共に追う。

Translation: To get Saiki to say offu, Teruhashi prepares for the perfect heart-throbbing scene of a summer festival, a beautiful girl in a yukata illuminated by fireworks. She goes with Saiki and friends to solve the case of the stolen fireworks.

絶対美少女パジャマ - The Complete Pretty Girl Pajama Set[]

Description: 後輩の梨歩田に誘われてパジャマパーティーに参加した。自慢のナイトウェアに身を包み、照れながらも楠雄と談笑しようとするが・・・なかなか上手くいかず。

Translation: She is invited to a pajama party by her junior, Imu Rifuta. Dressed in her cute pajama "battlewear", she timidly tries to chat with Saiki... It doesn't go very well.

完璧美少女ギャル - Perfect Pretty Gyaru[]

Description: ギャル化した心美。楠雄はギャル好きでは・・・?と勘違いしたところから始まり、相卜のように立ち振る舞うべくギャルを研究し尽くした。クラスメイトには結構好評。

Translation: Gyaru Teruhashi. It started with a misunderstanding. Does Saiki prefer gyarus? To accommodate for his presumed tastes, she thoroughly research the way of the gyaru. Her image change was quite popular with her classmates.

漆黒の貴婦人 - Jet Black Lady[]

Description: 策略に巻き込まれ、イベントへ参加することになった照橋さん。自身を見失いがちではあるがその着こなしはあいからわず完璧である。

Translation: Due to circumstances, Teruhashi ends up participating in the event. Despite the sudden developments, she still ends up looking perfect.

乙姫オブレジェンド - Otohime of Legend[]

Description: 裏島太郎の演劇で主演の乙姫を演じる心美。どんなシチュエーションでも乙姫に見えてしまうため、PK学園の話題となる。

Translation: Teruhashi stars as Princess Otohime in the play, Urashima Tarō. She becomes a hot topic in PK academy, due to her ability to perfectly portray Otohime.

ラクロスな彼女 - Pretty Lacrosse Girl[]

Description: キュートなスカートがもちろん似合いすぎるユニフォーム姿の照橋さん。スティックをもってフィールドを走り回る美少女の姿に、観客の視線はくぎ付け。

Translation: Teruhashi looks good in the cute skirt of her lacrosse uniform. The eyes of the audience are glued to the sight of the pretty girl running around the field with her crosse.

スイーツ美少女 - Sweets Beauty[]

Description: 最強美少女が作るスイーツは、どんな時でも最強にスイート? 美少女の手作りケーキを食べれば、甘いもの好きの斉木は今度こそ初「おっふ」を言ってくれるはず・・・?

Translation: Aren't sweets made by the most beautiful girl the most delicious sweets? If Saiki, who loves sweets, eats the pretty girl's homemade cake, would he finally let out his first offu...?

聖夜の美少女 - A Pretty Girl on Christmas Eve[]

Description: クリスマスパーティのためにいつもよりドレスアップし、美少女度もますますアップ。道行く人に「おっふ」という名のプレゼントを与える。

Translation: Teruhashi dresses up more than usual for Christmas parties. This boosts the power of her beauty. A view of her offu-winning appearance is a gift to all onlookers.

砂漠のオアシス - Desert Oasis[]

Description: ペアでラクダに乗れると聞き、おっふチャンスと見た心美は神を味方につけ、楠雄と一緒に乗ることに成功する。災難が立ちはだかるが、持ち前の美少女パワーで解決していく。

Translation: When the opportunity to ride a camel together with Saiki presents itself, she succeeds in pairing up with him by using the power of God's favor. No misfortune can withstand the power of the perfect beauty.

振袖美少女 - Furisode Pretty Girl[]

Description: 振袖を纏い、新年早々見た者を縁起のいい気持にさせる完璧美少女。トラブル発生の際は周囲の参拝客を味方にする天使の涙(エンジェル・ティアーズ)が発動する。

Translation: The perfect beauty in her furisode kimono brings good fortune to those who see her on New Year's Day. When she encounters trouble, she can activate Angel Tears to mobilize the shrine visitors.

ピーチTガール - Peach T Girl[]

Description: 遊太にピーチTガールと間違われて以来、子供が苦手ながらそこそこ懐かれている。サイダーマンになりきる斉木と話を合わせるため、サイダーマン情報を絶賛インプット中。

Translation: Even though Teruhashi is not good with kids, Yuta has been attached to her ever since he mistook her for Peach-T Girl. She learns about her character and Ciderman lore so that she can spend time with Saiki, who has become Ciderman.

Seisyun Spark []

Title Cards[]

Volume and Other Covers[]


Anime Screen Captures[]
